HKAGE 15th Anniversary
Gifted Education Expo
One of the flagship events of the HKAGE’s 15th anniversary was the Anniversary Gifted Education Expo (GE Expo), a public event held at the Hong Kong Science Park from 7 July to 8 July.
☆ Launch Ceremony
A launch ceremony was held on 8 July, officiated by Dr CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education of HKSAR; Dr YIP Shing Fai Denis, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI); and Ir Dr LAM Hiu Fung Alan, JP, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the HKAGE. At the launch ceremony, there was an impressive light-up ceremony in addition to gifted students’ performances on Nunchaku, Karate, and an AI vs human dance battle.

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☆ Highlights of the Expo
The two-day GE Expo featured various lectures, booths, and workshops, enabling the public to learn about and experience the HKAGE’s diverse gifted education programmes. Some students’ award-winning projects were showcased at HKAGE’s booth.