HKAGE 15th Anniversary
Thematic InnoTech Talk/Visit Series

☆ STEM Workshop (Level I): Visit to Sustainability Gallery
A collaboration with the Sustainability Gallery of Hong Kong Baptist University, this workshop introduces the sustainable lifestyle through advanced multimedia technologies and interesting themes that illustrate possible green mechanics to be applied in different domains in our daily life. Students are encouraged to adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
☆ STEM Workshop (Level I): Brain Science Lab Visit
Conducted by the System Health Lab of Hong Kong Baptist University, this workshop aims to enhance students’ understanding on brain science through various brain science activities and hand-on experience with updated brain science technologies. Students might be inspired to explore more in the subject.
☆ STEM Workshop (Level I): iHub Guided Tour
The iHub tour demonstrates to students a series of new technologies on international construction. Students can get a glimpse of the latest trends, as well as inspirations for innovative sustainable construction if they want to develop an architectural career.
☆ STEM Workshop (Level I): Gerontech Beginner’s Journey
A collaboration with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s “Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub” Day Experience Centre in view of the aging trend in Hong Kong, this workshop on gerontechnology enables the students to know and experience more about how these technologies suit elderly needs. It also prompts their ideas on how to better promote gerontechnologies.
☆ Data Science Workshop (Level I): Guided Tour of The Geospatial Lab
The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) Is es”abli’hed by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government and operated by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for encouraging the public to make use of spatial data in developing smart applications, dovetailing the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) initiative in support of smart city development. During the visit, students are introduced to the useful information regarding the work of the GeoLab, application of geographic information system (GIS) software; and knowledge sharing of geospatial data etc.
☆ Robotics Workshop (Level II): Robotics within Hong Kong’s Development as a Smart City
Conducted by the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, this workshop showcases how to build a smarter city via up-to-dated technologies, such as drones, machines that can check the building status and do the planting, etc. Students have a chance to talk with the working staff to see how ideas origin and what are the difficulties in the design.
☆ STEM Workshop (Level II): Innovative Technology in Smart City
The Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006 with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The workshop is to promote the students’ interest in innovative technology and smart city through the visit to LSCM. It also showcases how innovative technology can be creatively applied in the city for the benefit of the people. Hence, the students can be inspired to use their imagination and creativity to generate other innovative smart city application ideas.
☆ Technology Workshop (Level II): Innovative Applications of Engineering Techniques
This workshop targets to nurture students’ interest in information technologies by showcasing various contemporary applications. Students are provided with first-hand opportunities to try using related software and hardware.
☆ Technology Workshop (Level III): Building Your Own Personal Virtual Assistant
This workshop provides an intensive hands-on practice for students to create their own personal virtual assistant with their creativity, rather than using conventional utensils, to assist with daily tasks efficiently.