15th Anniversary Celebration Series

Oct – Dec 2022
Logo Design Contest
- A student member contest to commemorate the significant landmark of the 15th Anniversary

Oct – Dec 2022
Mascot Design Contest
- A student member contest to commemorate the significant landmark of the 15th Anniversary

Jan – Aug 2023
Thematic InnoTech and Social Caring Talk/Visit Series
- Monthly talks on cutting-edge technological innovations, social caring, environmental protection, etc
- Visits and attachments to high-end laboratories, technology companies, social caring organisations to gain authentic experience

Jun 2023
Special Edition Tram “Gifted Ding Ding”
- To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the HKAGE, a group of students was invited to design a tram body wrap that has turned into reality.
- The HKAGE Tram “Gifted Ding Ding” was launched on 17 June

Jul 2023
Anniversary Stamps
- Customised stamps to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the HKAGE be produced as souvenirs, featuring the anniversary logo and mascots designed by the Academy’s student members
- With the design representing the HKAGE’s values and mission, the stamps serving not only a memento for the celebration, but also showcasing the students’ artistic abilities
- A unique and thoughtful way to celebrate the Academy’s milestones and to provide students with a sense of pride and achievement

7 Jul – 8 Jul 2023
Anniversary Gifted Education Expo
- Booths showcasing the whole array of diverse programmes offered by the HKAGE
- Hands-on workshops for participants to get a feel for the learning experiences at the HKAGE
- Mini talks elaborating the contents of some programmes
- Drone soccer game, robot coding, etc. demonstrating the applications of STEAM education

8 July 2023 / 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Annual Hotung Lecture
- Featuring world-renowned molecular biologist, Professor LO Yuk Ming Dennis, SBS, JP, as the keynote speaker on the topic titled “Big Dream, Big Impact”
- Staging also two parallel sharing sessions for teachers and parents of gifted students

8 Jul 2023 / 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Directors, Alumni, Student Members and Staff Gameday
- A fun game day involving the Academy’s directors, alumni, student members and staff in a soccer game played via drones
- To enhance the mutual understanding among the stakeholders and appreciate the fun brought by new technology

25 Aug 2023 / 5:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
Anniversary Musical
- To provide HKAGE students with a platform to showcase their creativity and talents by involving them in the production of a musical programme
- A musical programme in which the script, music and lyrics will be composed by students, providing a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their talents, showcasing their storytelling skills and creativity
- This initiative not only provides students with an opportunity to showcase their skills but also encourages them to work collaboratively and builds their confidence